At MRT Hongshulin Station you can transfer to the new Danhai LRT Route.

Danhai Light Rail
The opening of the Danhai Light Rail line in December 2018 has given visitors more opportunities to explore the Tamsui area. Trains run from MRT Hongshulin Station (transfer station to the Tamsui-Xinyi Line) to Kanding Station, not far from the North Coast shore. Seven out of its current 11 stations (three more are currently being constructed) have YouBike public bike rental stations. Take the train at the top of each hour to enjoy sculptures of animal and human characters by beloved author and illustrator Jimmy inside the train. The entire line is Jimmy-themed, with his adorable art adorning the signs, station platforms, and even bus stops at two stations on the line. While much of the line passes through newly built residential areas, there are a number of interesting sites to check out, including the campus of Tamkang University, and the historic Cheng Family Residence. In the future (likely at the end of 2020), it will be possible to take the Danhai Light Rail all the way to Tamsui’s Fisherman’s Wharf, a highly popular tourist destination at the mouth of Tamsui River.

Yun Estate (蘊泉庄)
If you want to stay a night in the Tamsui area, note that there is a brand-new hotel, the Yun Estate (www.yunestatehotel.com) located close to the light rail’s Ganzhenlin Station. This is an elegant, high-end hotel offering only suites, each equipped with a kitchen, dining room, a hot-spring pool, and a large balcony with views of Tamsui River and Mt. Guanyin.