Gangkou Seine Fishing
In the early days, the people of the Gangkou Community made a living by fishing. Today, seine fishing culture and traditional crafts and skills are promoted. Seine fishing is an old method of catching fish along the coast. It symbolizes the spirit of mutual help and cooperation. Seine fishing experience activities are organized each year from March to October. The activities usually take about two hours each time. Apart from the seine fishing experience, the Gangkou Community Development Association also offers activities such as guided tours of the fishing village, intertidal zone tours, as well as fish print and driftwood art courses. The activities can also be combined with visits to close-by Lanyang Museum, whale-watching trips starting from Wushi Harbor, paragliding and surfing at Wai’ao, and other fun activities.
Seine Fishing Experience NT$600/Pers.
The seine fishing takes place on Gang’ao Beach. Before high tide fishermen on a raft will cast the net at sea. On the beach, the participants will then barefooted work together in pulling the net onto the shore. This way everyone gets to experience the tough plight of fishermen in the past fighting against the forces of nature. While pulling the net you will look forward to a rich haul of fish and shrimp with excitement! The community development association also provides a cooking service, allowing visitors to taste ultra-fresh seafood on the spot!
Individual participants: NT$600/pers.
Groups: NT$17,000/40 pers.
Cooked food: NT$600/pers.
Reservation form: (Chinese)
Gangkou Community Development Association, Toucheng Township, Yilan County
Add: No. 60-3, Gangkou Rd., Gangkou Borough, Toucheng Township, Yilan County
Tel: (03) 977-7768