FarmsHot!North TaiwanTravelsYilan County

Master Guan’s Farm

By TwelliMarch 5, 2022July 14th, 2023No Comments

Eat Creative Cantaloupe Dishes All Year Round!

Zhuangwei Township in Yilan County has a flat terrain with sandy soil. Because of the good drainage and plenty of sunshine, it has become the second largest rice producing area in Yilan, known for its enchanting paddy field landscape and rich water bird environment. Because of Zhuangwei’s low-lying terrain floods often occur during typhoons. The founder of Master Guan’s Leisure Farm recalls how he used a rice seedling bucket as a boat when he was a child. That’s why he decided to build “rice seedling bucket boats” on the farm and also allow visitors to relive his experience on bamboo rafts. He also uses cantaloupe, a local specialty, to develop creative cuisine and related products. His leisure farm, certified by the Council of Agriculture, provides special package itineraries highlighting the characteristics of the local area.

One DIY activity for NT$150; choose two for a free “rice seedling bucket boat” and bamboo raft experience

In addition to farm experience activities such as rice sampling transplanting, rice cutting and threshing, the farm also offers DIY making of scallion pancakes, fermented bean curd, slightly fermented kouji, and pickled cantaloupe. The fried ice experience, making use of pure golden jujube juice, a specialty of Yilan, is the most popular activity among visitors. In addition, the farm also uses Zhuangwei cantaloupe for delicious dishes such as “Cantaloupe Steamed Fish”, “Cantaloupe King Oyster Mushroom”, “Cantaloupe Chicken Soup”, and “Cantaloupe Fresh Meat”. Don’t forget to buy handmade pickles and take home specialties of Zhuangwei to share with friends and family!
Hours: 9am~5pm; all year round; advance reservation required

Master Guan’s Leisure Farm
Add: No. 3, Wuhan Bridge Rd., Mao Borough, Zhuangwei Township, Yilan County
Tel: (03) 925-3517
