Note: The order of appearance of the following festivals and events is according to the time of the year when they usually occur. Dates can change however over time. We try to update the info frequently, but some of it might be outdated. The year in the bracket […] indicates when the info was last updated.


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[2023] June ~ December / Around Taiwan

Taiwan Cycling Festival

Bicycling has become hugely popular in Taiwan in recent years, and with a cycling environment that is constanly being improved around the island, the number of cycling enthusiasts is ever-growing. Staged annually since 2010, this festival brings bicycling fans together through a number of attractive events, among them the Taiwan KOM Challenge (this year taking place October 27), Formosa 900 (taking place November 11~19), and Come!Bikeday (November 11).


Taiwan KOM Challenge (©Taiwan Tourism Bureau)


Sun Moon Lake Cycling, Music & Fireworks Festival

This festival combines active fun (bicycling and road running) with passive enjoyments (music concerts and a fireworks show), all happening on the shores of Sun Moon Lake. The bicycling event, named Come!Bikeday, is a relaxed ride around the lake made by hundreds of cyclists, while the road run is a marathon race following the same route. The musical entertainment features popular, indigenous, and classical music. Accompanied by the classical music, the fireworks show lights up the lake with vibrant colors reflecting off the water’s surface.
Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area

[2022] June 1~September 15 / Yilan County

Wu Sha Cultural Festival
吳沙藝文季 (Chinese)

[2022] June 3/ Changhua County

Lukang Dragon Boat Festival

One of the big three annual traditional festivals in Taiwan, the Dragon Boat Festival is best known for dragon-boat races. These are staged on rivers and lakes in more than a dozen locations around the island, including Taipei’s Keelung River and Kaohsiung’s Love River. In recent years the competition at Lukang, which takes place on the Fulu River, has emerged as perhaps the most attractive dragon-boat race event. Making it special is the fact that the races take place in the late afternoon and evening with boats, bridges, and riverbanks colorfully illuminated. Many of the town’s streets are also lavishly decorated for the occasion. Lukang is a history-rich old settlement, once a thriving saltwater port, that is great for nostalgia trips for those who want to experience the Taiwan of yesteryear.
Website: (Changhua Travel)

Dragon boat racing in Lukang
[2022] June 18 ~ 26 / Taoyuan City

Shihmen Reservoir Hot Air Balloon Carnival

Website: (Chinese)

[2022] June 21 ~ September 12 / Taitung County

Taiwan East Coast Land Arts Festival

This festival combines the beauty of Taiwan’s East Coast region with the beauty of outdoor installation art and music. Each year, the organizer invites artists from Taiwan and abroad to create installation artworks that blend nicely with the natural environment of the East Coast National Scenic Area. A central element of the festival is the romantic Moonlight Sea Concert series, featuring well-known musicians from around Taiwan. As the concerts are timed to coincide with days around the full moon, spectators can (weather permitting) see the moonrise and the moonlight reflection on the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Moonlight Sea Concert shows in 2022: July 14/15, Aug. 13/14, Sept. 10/11/12.
Websites: (TEC Land Arts Festival), (East Coast National Scenic Area)

Moonlight Sea Concert (photo courtesy of East Coast NSA Admin.)
[2021] June 28 / Hualien County & Nantou County

Taiwan KOM – Summer

Who will be the King of the Mountains (KOM) in 2021? Or better, who will be the “kings,” because there will be more than one opportunity to snatch a winner’s crown in grueling bicycle races up steep mountain slopes this year. While the main Taiwan KOM Challenge bicycle race, from the Pacific shore in Hualien City to the dizzying central mountain heights at Wuling, the highest highway point in Taiwan, will take place at the end of October, additional KOM races have been added to the calendar. A spring race in late March and a summer race in late June, both following the same route as the main race, are giving ambitious riders even more opportunity to test their mettle. There are numerous other, less challenging, cycling events this year as well.
Taiwan Cyclist Federation (Chinese)
Taiwan Cycling Web (Chinese)

Bike riders on the way to Wuling
[2020] June 30 ~ September 30 / Matsu Islands

Glimmers in Matsu

Matsu National Scenic Area


[2020] July / New Taipei City

Ho-Hai-Yan Gongliao Rock Festival

The second large summer event on Fulong Beach each year (for the first, see the Fulong Int’l Sand Sculpture Art Festival entry), this three-day music event allows you to sit in soft golden sand and listen to tunes by leading Taiwanese indie rock bands, pop bands, and DJs, as well as international acts. Last year there were more than 80 performances on three stages. Fulong can be easily reached by taking an eastbound train from Taipei. Apart from visiting the sand-sculpture and music festivals, many visitors will also go on bicycle rides through the old Caoling railway tunnel. Visiting Fulong can also be combined with exploration tours along the Northeast Coast, including visits to Bitou Cape and Nanya’s strange rock formations.
New Taipei City Travel

Outdoor MUSIC EVENTS Around Taiwan

Enjoying rock while sitting on the soft sand of Fulong Beach

[2022] July ~ August / Nantou County

Nantou Starry Night Festival

Each year from late July to late August a meteor shower known as Perseids can be seen in the clear night sky of central Taiwan’s Nantou County. It is one of three major meteor showers each year. The most spectular display can be seen around August 13, with up to 100 shooting stars per hour lighting up the night sky canvas. The best spots for watching this spectacle are conveniently reached locations with low light pollution such as Hehuanshan (Mt. Hehuan; certified as an International Dark Sky Space by the International Dark-Sky Association), Sun Moon Lake, and the forest areas of Xitou and Sanlinxi.

Website: (Nantou Travel)

Night sky over Mt. Hehuan (photo courtesy of Nantou County Govt.)
[2017] July ~ August 30 / Matsu Islands

Tern-Watching Tour, Matsu

The many uninhabited smaller islands and surrounding waters of the Matsu island group provide perfect nesting and feeding grounds for a large variety of seabirds. For bird lovers, the best time to go and see these birds, including the Bridled Tern, Black-napped Tern, Roseate Tern, Crested Tern, Black-tailed Tern, Reef Egret, and Fork-tailed Swift, is June through September. Boat trips to the islands are available from Fu’ao Harbor on the island of Nan’gan. There are no landings, and boats will keep a distance from the birds, so bringing binoculars and a telephoto lens for your camera is advisable.
Matsu National Scenic Area

Sea birds on a Matsu island
[2023] July 1 ~ August 20 / Taipei City

Dadaocheng Summer Festival

The annual Taipei Dadaocheng Fireworks Festival, previously held over one weekend, will this year take place over a 51-day period as the Dadaocheng Summer Festival. There will be a low-altitude fireworks display on Wednesday at 8:30pm and one grand fireworks show in the evening of August 20, two days before Lovers’ Day. The venues are Dadaocheng Wharf and Yanping Riverside Park, both on the eastern bank of the Tamsui River.


©Taipei City Govt.
[2022] July 2 ~ August 15 / Taitung County

Taiwan International Balloon Festival

This is one of the biggest and best tourism events during the summer months in Taiwan, and one of the top hot-air balloon festivals worldwide. The venue is the Luye Highland in Taitung County, about 20km north of Taitung City, a site with perfect conditions for air sports such as paragliding. The festival not only attracts tourists in large number, but also hot-air balloon pilots from abroad, who bring balloons of intriguing shapes and colors with them. For those who want to experience the sensation of slowly rising up into the sky, there are both tethered flights and free flights available, the first taking you about 20 meters off ground, the latter allowing you to fly, in much longer sessions, over the beautiful East Rift Valley countryside.

Official Website:

Balloon flying over the East Rift Valley (photo courtesy of Taitung County Govt.)
[2022] July 2~7 / Taipei City

Taipei International Book Exhibition

The Taipei International Book Exhibition (TIBE) is an important annual event for publishing professionals and book lovers in Taiwan and throughout East Asia. Thousands of visitors come to explore the latest in the world of publishing. Each time one country is featured as the “Guest of Honor,” and this time France is the center of attention. After being realized as an online exhibition over the last two years because of the pandemic, the show is reverting back to its physical form in 2022, to the delight of book lovers looking forward to participation in the many events taking place at the Taipei World Trade Center.

Official website:

Book exhibition (photo courtesy of Taipei City Govt.)
[2022] July 2-August 31 / Tainan City

Salt and Sand Sculpture Art Festival

The well-known sand-sculpture festival at Fulong is not the only such festival in Taiwan. In the southwest of the island, in Tainan City, another annual festival is held that not only showcases sand sculptures but also works made with salt. The sand sculptures can be seen at Mashagou Beach, just to the north of Jiangjun Fishing Harbor. The salt sculptures are presented inside an exhibition hall at the Qigu Salt Mountain in Qigu District, a well-known tourist attraction that resembles a large snow-covered hill.
Southwest Coast National Scenic Area

Sand sculpture on Mashagou Beach
[2022] July 5 ~ October 30 / Kaohsiung City

Ice Festival

[2022] July 16 ~ August 13 / Kaohsiung City

Website: (Chinese)

[2022] July 16 ~ August 13 / Kaohsiung City

Kaohsiung Cijin Beer Carnival


[2020] July 18 ~ August 30 / Yilan County

Yilan International Children’s Folklore and Folkgame Festival

Each year, when the summer gets intensely hot, this festival helps everyone, especially children, to cool down and have fun in a large pool-facility area. This event, taking place in Yilan County’s Dongshan Township, provides more than just refreshing water, water slides, and water cannon to play with. It is an international happening with many exciting stage performances by troupes from Taiwan and abroad presenting entertaining and educational shows. There is also a wide range of classes and DIY sessions available, giving children myriad opportunities to gain knowledge. Side activities include dragon-boat paddling, sailing, and kayaking on the Dongshan River, adjacent to the festival venue. In the evening you can watch a mesmerizing water and light show.
Yilan Int’l Children’s Folklore and Folkgame Festival

The festival draws a lot of people seeking to cool off and have fun
[2022] July 21~24 / Miaoli County

Earthfest 2022


[2022] July 23~24 / Taipei City

Tianmu Beer Festival

In order to showcase the characteristics of the Tianmu commercial area, the 2022 Tianmu Beer Festival is held July 8 through August 25, bringing together local businesses such as international restaurants and shops, department stores, and beer producers. Among the festival’s attractions are a special-theme market, stage performances, and five exclusive and limited beer product offerings. Presented in creative ways the festival’s aim is to attract more consumers to the Tianmu commercial area, creating business opportunities, raising the profile of the area, and leading to more prosperity overall.


[2019] August / Hualien and Taitung Counties

Amis Harvest Festival

Council of Indigenous Peoples

[2019] August~ September / Hualien County

Hualien Daylily Blooming Season

Among the most enchanting scenes of the East Rift Valley in eastern Taiwan are the fields of blooming daylilies in late summer/early autumn. There are two main areas where you can take in the floral beauty: Mt. Chike in Yuli Township and Sixty Stone Mountain in Fuli Township. Both mountain areas present visitors with amazing vistas over the East Rift Valley, the daylilies adding orange hues to the mountain slopes. Access to both locations is via steep and narrow roads; if you don’t have your own means of transport, note that shuttle-bus services are offered from central Yuli and Fuli during the blooming season.
East Rift Valley National Scenic Area

Orange daylily field
[2023] July-August / Keelung City

Keelung Mid-Summer Ghost Festival

This event, lasting a full month, is one of Taiwan’s major annual festivals. It takes place during the 7th lunar month (August 16~September 14 in 2023), referred to as “Ghost Month.” According to folk belief, at this time of year the gates separating the realms of the living and the dead open and ghosts return to wander the earth. In order to appease these wandering souls, lavish offerings are made in front of temples in the port city of Keelung and a plethora of rituals and ceremonies is celebrated. Among the numerous highlights of the festival are the Door-Opening Ceremony at Laodagong Temple on Day 1 and the Water Lantern Parade and Releasing of Water Lantern on Day 14 of the lunar month.

Website: (Keelung Travel)

Zhupu Altar in Keelung during the Ghost Festival (©Keelung City Govt.)
[2023] August 4~7 / Taipei City

Taiwan Culinary Exhibition

Each year, this exhibition held in the Taipei World Trade Center gives food lovers a comprehensive overview of what Taiwan’s culinary world has to offer, from simple night-market snack foods to exquisite 5-star hotel banquets. Visitors have the chance to sample-eat local specialties, enjoy entertaining stage performances, watch chefs demonstrating their cooking skills, marvel at food art, and also learn about cuisines from around the world.
Website: (Chinese)

(©Taiwan Visitors Association)
[2022] August 5~14 / Kaohsiung City

Creative Expo Taiwan

Since the Creative Expo Taiwan was first held in 2010, it has experienced exponential growth in the number of exhibitors, participating countries, and visitors, becoming one of Asia’s largest cultural and creative expos. Each year, the expo challenges the public and the cultural/creative community to stretch their imaginations and explore Taiwan’s culture. Activities include cross-disciplinary seminars and topic-based conferences. Design and branding are also discussed, as participants work to promote and broaden Taiwan’s cultural and creative soft power. This year, for the first time, the expo will be held in Kaohsiung City’s brand-new Kaohsiung Music Center.

Website: (official website); (Kaohsiung Music Center)

[2021] August 8 ~ September 6 / Yilan County

Toucheng “Qianggu” – Grappling with the Ghost Pole-Climbing Competition

Taking place at the end of the annual Ghost Festival period, the Toucheng “Qianggu” ghost-grappling competition is a fun event to watch – and to participate in (if you’re one of the brave local lads that take part). Groups of young men compete against each other climbing up greasy poles made of China fir, soaring 11m high, to reach a platform from which they climb 7-8m higher up on a bamboo trestlework to snatch the winner’s flag. The event at the town of Toucheng in Yilan County is the largest such competition in Taiwan. A similar pole-climbing challenge is held in Hengchun, Pingtung County, close to a well-known preserved section of the town’s old protective wall. Both events include many other cultural activities, such as religious ceremonies, cultural performances, and food markets.
Yilan County Government

Pole grappling in Yilan’s Toucheng Township (photo by Chen Zi-qing)
[2023] August 11 ~ October 15 / Taoyuan City

2023 Hakka Expo

The aim for this expo, with the theme “Travel to Tomorrow,” is highlighting the migrations of the Hakka people around world and creating a platform for international Hakka cultural exchange. The main element of the event will be showcasing the beauty of Hakka crafts, opera, literature, music, architecture, food, industries, people, and language in a comprehensive manner. Activities will be held in 10 exhibition halls, including the World Pavilion, all situated within Taoyuan’s newly developed Qingpu Special District centered around Taoyuan High Speed Rail Station.


[2017] August 12 ~ September 12 / Hsinchu County

National Yimin Festival

The ceremonies and other rituals of this Hakka festival take place during the seventh month of the lunar calendar in 15 village districts located in Taoyuan and Hsinchu, northwestern Taiwan. The festival, which is organized along with Ghost Festival traditions, commemorates the bravery of over 200 men who sacrificed their lives fighting against rebels in the late Qing dynasty. The brave men are revered as Yimin Ye in the temples of Hakka communities, the most important of which is Xinpu Yimin Temple. For visitors, the festival is a great occasion to see Hakka culture at its liveliest, with many exciting cultural performances taking place on the plaza in front of the temple in Xinpu.
Hsinchu County Government

Hakka people celebrating the Yimin Festival
[2019] August 15~16 / Pingtung County

Hengchun Pole Climb Festival

Like the Keelung Mid-Summer Ghost Festival, this traditional event, which takes place in the southern Taiwan town of Hengchun in Pingtung County, is part of the annual Ghost Month activities. According to legend, the idea of climbing greasy poles came about in the late 19th century when the rich people of town thought about ways to avoid fights and injuries among the poor people who received their offerings. Today, climbing the poles is all about pride and team spirit, and the activity has become a great spectator event, drawing thousands of onlookers each year.

Pole climbing in Hengchun in 2018
[2022] August 19~28 / Taipei City

Taipei Riverside Children’s Fun Carnival – Bravo’s Water Park

The Taipei Riverside Children’s Fun Carnival – Bravo’s Water Park has been developed for many years. It has become a summer water recreation event eagerly awaited by parents and their kids. In 2023, the Bravo theme will be used again to provide safe and interesting water-fun facilities, interactive performances, breakout games, special market stalls, and guided tours about water resources. The park allows parents and children learn more about the water environment while playing during hot summer days, combining education with fun. Attracting many visitors, the park also brings economic benefits to the whole Gongguan commercial area.


[2023] September~December / Taipei City

Spend a Night at the Taiwan’s Presidential Office Building

Would you like to spend a night at Taiwan’s Presidential Office Building? Four years after this was made possible for visitors from abroad for the first time, the central government is now once again inviting interested foreigners to experience an overnight stay at this important and iconic building. As this is not your usual tourist accommodation, there is of course an application process to go through. Find all the relevant information on the official website below.


[2018] September / Around Taiwan

Taiwan Braised Pork on Rice Festival

If you want to eat like the locals in Taiwan, braised pork on rice is definitely a dish you should try on your next visit. This simple dish is widely available, from small eateries to big restaurants and from night-market stands to food courts in modern department stores and malls. Made with ground pork marinated and boiled in soy sauce, it is usually served in a small bowl. Other small dishes are also usually ordered to make a full meal. The goal behind this festival, held for the first time last year, is not only to promote the humble dish itself but also Taiwan’s local food culture. A group of Taiwan’s best eateries selling braised pork on rice in different variations is selected by the organizer, their chefs going on a tour of six cities to present their yummy creations to salivating crowds.

Braised pork on rice
[2022] September 4 / Nantou County

Sun Moon Lake International Swimming Carnival

Sun Moon Lake is the largest freshwater lake in Taiwan, and one of the island’s best-known tourist destinations. Swimming in the lake is prohibited, but there is one major exception, the annual Sun Moon Lake Swimming Carnival. This swimming event was organized for the first time in 1981, with just 540 swimmers crossing the lake. In 2020, its 38th edition, a total of 21,800 swimmers took to the water to complete the 3km swim from Zhaowu Wharf on the northern shore of the lake to Ita Thao Wharf on its southeast side. Because of the global pandemic, the swim, which is not a competition but a relaxed affair with a party atmosphere, did not take place last year.

Websites: (Sun Moon Lake NSA); (Puli Four-season Swimming Association)

Cross-the-lake swim (photo by Chen He-lu)
[2022] September 17 / Yilan County

Taiwania Ultra Trail

This sporting event takes long-distance runners through the pristine forest along the usually off-limits Qilan Forestry Road in Yilan County. An official International Association of Ultrarunners (IAU) event promoted by the government, it features runs over three distances (25, 50, and 100km) with top finishers receiving scores for the International Trail Running Association (ITRA) rankings. At an altitude of above 2,000 meters and with unpredictable weather (high chance of rain), it is regarded as a highly challenging competition. If you are not a long-distance runner, note that visiting part of the Qilan forest area (Divine Trees Garden) is possible via guided tours offered by the Lealea Makauy Ecological Park.

Websites: (Taipei Chinese Association of Ultrarunners), (Lealea Makauy Ecological Park)

Divine Trees Garden
[2020] September 27 ~ October 4 / New Taipei City

Yehliu Night Tours

2020 poster
[2023] September 29 ~ October 1 / Kaohsiung City

Meinong Canal Trip Arts Festival

This festival, a cooperation with the cities of Fukuoka and Gifu in Japan, showcases local characteristics with an international perspective. The traditional Hakka village of Meinong is lit up to bring international art to this rural area.

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