Taiwan Bridges

Going through images we shot in the past few years, I noticed that there are quite a few photos showing bridges of different shapes and sizes, allowing pedestrians, bikers, cars, and trains to cross rivers and valleys. Some of these bridges are great feats of engineering, some of them are in especially scenic locations, some of them perfect for memorable photos.

Following is a selection of bridges we have seen on trips around the island. Follow the links below captions to find articles about the respective locations of the bridges.

This is the well-known bridge over Dongshan River in Yilan County. Along the river is a spacious park which is great for bicycling.

Another bridge crossing the Dongshan River is this steel railway bridge to the north of Dongshan Railway Station.

YILAN Biking — Fun along the Dongshan River

This tiny bridge is not impressive at all. But it is, in all likelihood, the northernmost bridge on Taiwan proper.  It is located at the Shimen Stone Gate on the North Coast.

Travel in Taiwan article about the north coast

We have gone on many trips to check out bike paths around Taiwan. This steel bridge in Taichung originally was a railway bridge. It now is part of the Houfeng Bikeway.

In the same area as the Houfeng Bikeway is the Dongfeng Bikeway, which passes this steel bridge.

Travel in Taiwan article about the Houfeng and Dongfeng bikeways

We also went bicycling in Pinglin District, New Taipei City. There you can ride a rented bike along the Beishi River. Cross the river on this suspension bridge.

Travel in Taiwan article about biking in Pinglin

There are many bridges crossing Taipei City’s rivers. This one is the Dazhi Bridge over Keelung River to the west of Dajia Riverside Park, a great place to go bicycling.

Taipei YOUBIKE Tour (from Yuanshan to Songshan)

If you go hiking on the Sandiaoling Waterfall Trail, you will come to two of these rope suspension bridges. The Chinese characters tell hikers, that not more than two persons are allowed on the bridge at the same time.

Hiking the SANDIAOLING Waterfall Trail

On a trip to Xinyi Township in central Taiwan’s Nantou County we saw several interesting bridges. This is a long and high-up suspension bridge south of Shuili.

Further south, at the indigenous village of Wangxiang (Kalibuan) is this the Thousand Year Suspension Bridge, allowing the local people to move between two neighboring villages.

On the way to the hot-spring village of Dongpu, you will pass these two bright-red bridges, the Sun and Moon bridges.

From the bridges, you can see that the highway originally was build on the side of the mountain. Landslides apparently have made that route too dangerous.

Just below Dongpu is the Dongpu Suspension Bridge, which has an impressive arch and presents you with great photo opps.

We stayed at Dongpu and walked to the pretty Rainbow Waterfall. The path there passes the bright-red Rainbow Suspension Bridge.

Scenic Attractions in Central Taiwan’s NANTOU County

This is the well-known Luofu Bridge on the Northern Cross-Island Highway, which connects Taoyuan in the west with Yilan in the east.

Right beside the Luofu Bridge is Fuxing Bridge, originally the main road bridge across the Dahan River.

Northern Cross-Island Highway + Taipingshan

A lot of bridges in Taiwan are bright red. Does anyone know the reason for that? This bridge gets you to the entrance of the Zhiben National Forest Recreation Area in Taitung.

Highway bridge over the Mawuku River at Donghe in Taitung. We did do the rafting on the river down there. Was fun!

Same spot. This is the old bridge over the Mawuku River seen from one of those rafts.

Sun, Sea, and Scenery along TAITUNG’S Coast

Another time we took to the river waters. This is the Shuangxi River close to Fulong on the northeast coast. After passing the suspension bridge you’ll come to the fine sand beach of Fulong.


Another trip to the mountains, another suspension bridge. This is a bridge on the Youth Ridge Trail at Ruili in northern Alishan.

Beautiful Scenery in Northern ALISHAN

Road bridge at Donggang Harbor. We took one of those ferries to Little Liuqiu Island, a fantastic place in southwestern Taiwan.

This draw bridge at Dapeng Bay in southern Taiwan can be opened to allow larger sailboats to enter/exit the bay.


If you head to the Maolin National Scenic Area you will pass this long road bridge. There is a minor road to the north from which you can marvel at the bridge from below.

This is a suspension bridge just below the village of Maolin. In the winter month Maolin is a great place to watch butterflies!

Heading from Maolin further east to the indigenous village of Duona, you will pass this bridge, which has a very impressive eagle statue at one end.

Look down to the bridge with the eagle from Dragon Head Mountain Trail. Great scenery, unfortunately it was misty that day. Oh, and on the right side is Duona Suspension Bridge.

This looks like a railway bridge but is in fact a bridge on Hwy 27 in Kaohsiung’s Liugui District.

The MAOLIN National Scenic Area in Southern Taiwan

This red bridge has a Japanese feel to it, but is in fact located in Taichung Park.

TAICHUNG City: Modern Metropolis in Central Taiwan

The Walami Trail in southern Hualien County is a fantastic route into the mountains of the Central Mountain Range. We only managed to walk for a few kilometers to this nice suspension bridge.

Train-spotting local photographers love this bridge in the East Rift Valley, especially when the rice paddies are bright green or yellow.

One of Taiwan’s Best Attractions: The EAST RIFT VALLEY

Another suspension bridge. This one is at the Shangjiadong Reservoir in Tainan, a good spot to go for a bicycle ride.

Tainan Biking — Lovely BAIHE Township

You’ll notice that there’s something missing here. This the old railroad bridge over the Gaoping River. The trains do run elsewhere nowadays.

Travel in Taiwan article about greater Kaohsiung

One of the most iconic bridges in Taiwan is this arched bridge connecting small Sanxiantai Island on the east coast.

We passed this bridge, Shanmei Bridge, on our recent trip to the southern part of the Alishan National Scenic Area.

Not far from Shanmei Bridge is the Danayigu Ecological Park, where you can walk on the impressive Danayigu Suspension Bridge.

Right beside Shanmei Bridge is Fumei Suspension Bridge which is quite steep and present you with marvelous views of the river valley.

Finally, lover’s Bridge at Fisherman’s Wharf is a romantic location known for beautiful sunsets. It’s about an hour by MRT/bus from central Taipei to get there.